Sunday, December 18, 2011


I'm not going to lie. No matter how happy I act, inside I am actually quite sad. There are so many things that make me sad these days, including how quickly we are all growing up, but also because of the times this had to happen in. Growing up in the middle of a crisis is pure shit. It affects you emotionally and psychologically, and all because of how sad people seem to be. How people have lost hope in themselves, and live in the past instead of the present and future. I used to be one of those people where at a mere age of five I was certain of what I wanted to do in life. At that time it was probably what any other child wanted to be at that age. What people didn't understand is that these was no dream; it had to become true. I had the contacts, I had the education, I had hope in myself. And now, because of this crisis, I have seen how little by little those who wished that life have ended up in complete disaster, with no job, with no money, and because of this, without happiness in their life. The amount of hours I have thought of this whole situation is infinite. What am I supposed to do now? Follow my dream and risk my future, or play it safely and not be as happy as I could have been? I did think for a while that I could play it safely, and do it as a hobby. I was happy with that decision. Then, I listened to a song and it I felt so overwhelmed by it brought me back to doubts. Am I going to act this way every time I listen to a song that inspires me? Probably. It would probably haunt me for the rest of my life and making me remember what I once could have had. I can't let that happen. This is my dream. Not anybody elses. I have to prove people I can do this.
  "You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period." - Christopher Gardner (Will Smith) - "The Pursuit of Happyness"

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