Thursday, February 13, 2014


It's been a year and a half now since I last wrote, and I'm extremely surprised that this blog is still being viewed these days, so for all out there that are at least 1% interested in this blog, I LOVE YOU.

Everything has changed.

The problem is, is that I am turning 19 in 2 months and the irony is that I am extremely nervous. Whereas 18 was a turning point in my life, it was the beginning of freedom, adventours and hope. When being 18, you are taken seriously but not to the point where you are expected to act maturely. You can get away with anything. You're the youngest of the adults. 19, however, is different. I have to start thinking about work, I'm looking for my own flat and I'll no longer be the youngest one at University. WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!
See, I feel that now that I live in a completely different country surrounded by thousands of people that I don't know I am finally able to be myself. I am finally feeling more confident and comfortable with who I am, and my insecurities are finally fading.
Whereas this, of course, is a good thing, it makes me a bit sad that it has taken me 18 years to get to this stage. I have to admit I have had a great childhood. I am so lucky that I have been able to live in an 'exotic' country, I have travelled a lot, I have been able to go to amazing events and parties and many other things that people are jealous of. Yet I have never been in love, I never did have a rebellious stage and I didn't once get into a fight with my parents. It seems silly, I know, that this is what is making me anxious, but I feel like I must experience these silly little things before I turn 19.
This means, then, that I have 2 more months to make mistakes, get out of my comfort zone and appreciate all the endless pranks and stupid mistakes I can make without worrying about the consequences. It is never too late to be a child again.
- N.

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